Your Damage Prevention Specialists
3-D Line Locating Ltd is a family owned, diversified Damage Prevention Services company specializing in Buried Pipeline & Utility Locating, One Call Management, Ground Disturbance Management & Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT). Our multi service approach allows our clients the efficiency of working with an established one stop shop for preventing damages to underground utilities.
Buried Pipeline & Utility Locating Since 1994
3-D Provides the most Industry-Advanced Damage Prevention Services to Western Canada.
Over the years we have established a turn-key suite of services that has proven to work well with all stakeholders and serve as an integral part of our goal as a company.
Our Services Include:
- Buried Pipeline & Utility Locating
- One Call Management
- Ground Disturbance Management including inspections for pipeline crossings and backfill
- Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT)
- Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT)
Our multi service approach allows our clients the efficiency of working with an established one stop shop for preventing damages to underground utilities. You can rely on 3-D’s professional services for all phases of pipeline construction including preliminary route selection, construction and clean-up remediation work.
Our Mission
Having the opportunity to grow as a company throughout the early years of our industry, has provided us with the experience, knowledge and resources required to build the foundation of our company. The result of this has allowed us to be successful in maintaining the highest levels of quality, consistency and customer satisfaction.
With the addition of the 3-D Ground Disturbance Management solutions to the company portfolio, we can assist our clients with activities related directly to any ground disturbance. We offer One-Call management, ground disturbance coordinating, supervision and program assessment, auditing and package preparation.
Pipeline Integrity management is available through the utilization of Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT). This proprietary technology and patented software allows our clients a cost efficient process that can identify magnetic anomalies that may impact the integrity of the pipeline. The benefit of this non-invasive technology is greater efficiencies in identifying stress areas therefore reducing costs associated with physical inspection of the pipeline.
Senior management of 3-D Line Locating is committed to the highest standards in quality, sustainable growth, and excellence in all operations. Employee contributions to our success are recognized and it is our expectation that all people joining our journey are committed to the same value.
Aboriginal Inclusion and Local Content
3-D believes in a strong cultural participation with our First Nation and Aboriginal partners.
3-D believes in a strong cultural participation with our First Nation and Aboriginal partners, this includes active participation by our employees in traditional practices such as: Pow Wow’s, Pipe ceremonies, and sweat lodges. We are proud of our “Commitment to First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples”, and it is treated as a “living document” that is continually reviewed and adjusted to better suit our clients, Aboriginal people, as well as 3-D staff (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal).
3-D recognizes the history, culture and diversity of First Nations and Aboriginal peoples of ” Turtle Island” (North America). We believe that through positive, mutually beneficial relationships with the original inhabitants, we will be able to better accomplish our strategic goals. Our goal for our First Nations and Aboriginal partners is to assist them to meet their vast potential in human and natural resources.